
More and more people want to start a vegetable garden and grow their own vegetables. This is not only fun, but also very healthy and it saves in the wallet that not all vegetables have to come from the supermarket anymore.

Research also shows that there are huge queues for allotment, vegetable and urban gardens. But, you don’t have to wait for this if you are starting your own vegetable garden. Here we explain in 6 steps how to turn your own garden into a vegetable garden!


Step 1: What vegetables will your vegetable garden start with?

It may sound logical, and it actually is. To start a vegetable garden you need …. a garden! Or a balcony, of course. It is important to have a good space where you can work the soil or set up vegetable garden trays and seedbeds.

There are different types of vegetables of all shapes and sizes, so on a balcony, for example, you will have a hard time growing red cabbage due to lack of space. But, herbs, tomatoes, peppers and paprika, for example, can again! So, depending on your location and capabilities, the vegetables in your own vegetable garden (or vegetable garden balcony) will differ from each other. So decide how much space you plan to use as a vegetable garden.

Once you know how much space you have, you can start determining which vegetables you want to grow. Consider, for example:

And much more! There are so many different kinds of vegetables! If you want to do some more extensive research, check out our seed marketplace for a variety of seeds.

One piece of advice we like to give to beginning vegetable gardeners. Choose a few vegetables you want to start with when you’re just getting started. It is better to grow a few different vegetables well, than to suddenly try to keep 10 different vegetables alive. Give yourself time to get used to and enjoy your vegetable garden.

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Step 2: What place will your vegetables have in your vegetable garden?

Okay, you know what vegetables you’re going to grow in your vegetable garden and you’ve ordered your seeds. But, where exactly in your vegetable garden will you sow these vegetables? Do you put the tomatoes next to the cauliflower? The peppers with the Brussels sprouts? Many vegetables need some space, so give them a place together as much as possible, too. This way you will also reduce the chance of disease exchange and increase the chances of a good harvest!

Another consideration is whether you are going to sow/plant it in your open ground, or work with raised seedbeds. This is a question best answered by yourself. Seedbeds can be made by yourself if you are handy, or require an investment. If you are going to work in the soil of the vegetable garden, the question is: what kind of soil do you have? Is your vegetable garden on loam? small land? sand? Depending on the answer, you’ll also know if you need to do much to prepare your soil for your vegetables. A clay soil requires much more preparation than sand, but sand again has less nutrition, so you need to use a soil conditioner.

Sound complicated? It isn’t. Use seedbeds with good seed or potting soil and you’ll come a long way! Many plants such as peppers, bell peppers, peas and broad beans are also great to grow in pots.

Step 3: What exactly are you sowing when?

You may not yet know exactly when to sow which vegetables. After all, you sow kale at a different time of year than, say, tomatoes. It is therefore important to research exactly what you want to sow and when. There is an awful lot to find online about the ideal sowing times, and we are happy to help you with this too. That’s why we have an incredibly useful growing guides developed.


Step 4: What resources do you need for your vegetable garden?

This is a good question and depends on exactly what you want to grow. But, in general, you can make good use of a number of tools. We list one


Of course, you need seeds to grow your vegetables. It is important that these seeds meet a number of points. Thus, they must be from a good supplier who can promise that you really do get the seeds you ordered. Suppliers and makers of seeds must follow certain rules to protect the quality of plants and vegetables. Also reliable suppliers through European regulations checked for the quality of seeds so that they do not contain diseases.

We have therefore selected only certified suppliers who can provide you with top quality seeds. Check out our seed market for the entire assortment.

(Potting) soil and nutrition

Equally important is the potting soil and nutrition you give the seeds and seedlings. There are many inexpensive potting soils available in supermarkets, for example. And to be perfectly honest, for germinating a small amount of seeds, or growing in a pot, that’s basically fine too. Be sure to sift out the large pieces such as bits of keeps etc., which can stop germinating seeds. Give your plants good nutrition and they will produce delicious vegetables for you

If you go a little bigger, and put several plants in the same soil, then it is important to purchase good vegetable garden soil. You can usually get this at your local garden center. However, it is advisable to enrich this soil with soil improvers such as worm manure, perlite and limestone.

Plant nutrition is also important. Vegetables love NPK in nutrition. A tomato likes a different ratio than cauliflower, but good basic nutrition is very important. We have some options on vegetables in our range, so check out our plant food for quality in your vegetable garden.

Garden Tools

Depending on whether your vegetable garden is in your garden or you grow vegetables in pots, you will need some gardening tools. Here are some tools that can help you in the vegetable garden:

  • Garden shovel
  • Shovel
  • Rake
  • Gardening gloves

There are so many more tools for growing, so check out our growing accessories to see what else can help you.

If you have everything in place and you know what you will grow and when, then you can move to the next step.

Step 5: prepare your vegetable garden

Now is the time to prepare your vegetable garden. Place your seedbeds or set up your pots, place your (potting) soil in them with your soil conditioners and keep your seeds at the ready!

It is important that your soil is not too tightly packed and has enough nutrition. Quality potting soil has nutrition in it for several weeks. If you use a cheaper variety, use some plant food and soil conditioner to polish the quality a bit.

You are ready to germinate your seeds. Are you starting inside? Then check out how to do this most effectively here.

When you have your vegetable garden ready to sow, don’t let anything stop you and go for it. This is the beginning of your own vegetable garden.

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Step 6: maintain your vegetable garden

Okay! You’re on your way, but now your vegetables need some attention. Not only your vegetables, but your vegetable garden itself must be maintained to best support your plants. That means watering, removing weeds, pruning plants as needed, feeding and everything else that goes into maintaining a vegetable garden!

Also be wary of pests such as slugs, aphids and whiteflies. The sooner you notice these pests, the sooner you can get rid of them. Also be sure to check out our options for biological pest control. These help you get rid of these unwanted vegetable garden guests in a natural way.

Please consult our growing guides if you just can’t remember exactly how to care for a particular vegetable.

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