String bean seeds ‘Supernano Giallo’
Buy string bean seeds
These string bean seeds produce the Supernano Giallo. The variety has a moderately early harvest date. Despite being a “dwarf string bean,” the Supernano Giallo string bean is larger and, more importantly, wider than other well-known string bean varieties. Adding these beans to your diet will undoubtedly benefit you because of the many good fibers, vitamins and minerals. The plants do not need much space in your vegetable garden, so you can simply enjoy the tasty yellow Supernano giallo pods.
The harvesting period of the Supernano Giallo string bean falls in late summer (from the second half of July to mid-September). The plant has strong branches that adorn the shrubs. Flat, long and wide fruits or pods are produced. The seam has no noticeable lines. Inside the beans are dark, almost black seeds, and one of the many advantages of Supernano giallo is its resistance to diseases such as mosaic, bacteriosis and atracnose, which affect plants in the Fabaceae family.
After cooking, these sweet, juicy pods take on a delicate, creamy flavor and make a fantastic addition to hot recipes. They can be steamed in a low-calorie version or prepared the traditional way. This string bean is also perfect for freezing after blanching. They are also great as an appetizer or salad item when lightly pickled, for example.
They are annuals that need lots of heat and light, just like regular string beans. You can plant them out in the vegetable garden after May 15 to avoid frost damage. During the period of pod production, proper watering is required. The Supernano Giallo is not much different from other members of the bean family and requires routine weeding and soil aeration.
Proven seeds:
- The shelf life of these string bean seeds for sowing is from 2 to 5 years, depending on the batch and type of seeds.
- The packaging of the seeds serves as evidence in the claim
- The supplier we offer seeds from falls under the ISTA (International Seed Evaluation Associaton)
Producer W.Legutko is a Polish supplier with high quality seeds. However, they provide packaging without Dutch text. However, English text is present and the seeding instructions on the package are visual, and therefore easy to understand.
Tested string bean seeds
These string bean seeds are laboratory tested by W.Legutko for such things as germination, seed purity and moisture content. The tests done are according to ISTA (International Seed Evaluation Associaton) guidelines.
Organic string bean seeds
The string bean seeds are organically harvested and tested. On the package is an expiration date and the “batch” number.