
Sowing and growing cress

Want to sow cress, but don’t know exactly how or when? Then you’re in luck! In fact, cress can be sown all year round because the whole process, from seeds to harvest can easily be done indoors. Read how to do this here.

Sowing cress

You don’t even need a vegetable garden to sow cress (Lepidium sativum) seeds and enjoy a quick and easy harvest of edible leaves any time of year. A light window sill will do!

There are three main types of cress; common, curly and Greek. Garden cress gives food a mild mustard flavor and can be harvested as early as five days after sowing, to maturity about a month later. Here is everything you need to know about growing this healthy micro vegetable.

For a quick harvest any time of year, simply sprinkle cress seeds on the surface of a damp piece of tea towel. Gently press the seeds down to make sure they contact the moisture, place the towel in a shallow container and cover with cling film to prevent them from drying out. Cut off the buds when they are about 2.5 cm high and enjoy!

Quickly harvesting cress

After about a week of growing on tissue, your seedlings will suffer from nutrient deficiencies. To grow mature cress plants, sow your cress seeds on a layer of seed compost. They will germinate within a few days if kept moist.

Can I grow cress outdoors?
Garden cress is a hardy, annual plant and can be successfully grown outdoors. Sow your cress seeds directly into a shallow container in the vegetable garden or raised flower bed. You can also sow them in window boxes and patio pots if you have limited garden space.

Cover the cress seeds lightly with soil and water well. Thinning the seedlings when they are 2.5 cm tall reduces competition for nutrients and light, producing stronger results. Be sure to water your mature plants regularly to prevent them from bolting in hot weather and harvest your cress leaves regularly as they mature.

Sowing cress in brief

  • Sprinkle cress seeds over a damp cloth
  • Cover with plastic wrap
  • Cress seeds can germinate in 24 hours
  • Within 5 to 7 days it is ready for harvest

We wish you lots of growing fun with cress sowing and harvesting!

Garden cress seeds

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Herkomst zaden: Polen

Inhoud: 10 gram

Producent: Toraf

€ 1,95
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