
Sowing broad beans

Want to sow broad beans ? Fortunately, that is not difficult! Broad beans are hardy and can tolerate cold and frost. Therefore, plant them as early as January or February in small pots in a propagator in the greenhouse or indoors, for example, and transplant them when they begin to grow vigorously, usually in March and April.

Sowing broad beans: how to do it?

Broad beans tolerate winter just fine. Broad beans are a nitrogen-fixing plant because it collects nitrogen from the air and brings it to the roots, which then convert it into fertilizer. So it feeds the soil and is good for other plants you have in the same soil, such as a raised plant bed, in your vegetable garden. This way, the other plants in your vegetable garden need less plant nutrition.

To sow broad beans, you need soil, pots and seeds (see below) and, of course, water.

Sowing broad beans in brief

If you want to sow broad beans, you can follow these short steps to germinate and grow them further.

In brief:

  1. Prepare the soil by loosening it.
  2. Place 1 broad bean seed per pot at about 2.5 cm depth.
  3. Water until the soil is moist and also keep the soil moist until the broad bean seeds have germinated. This often takes about 7 to 14 days.
  4. Repot them when they are large enough to their final location.
  5. After 12 to 16 weeks, you’ll have delicious, fresh broad beans.

Have fun growing your own broad beans!

Broad bean seeds

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Tuinboon zaden Windsor


Herkomst zaden: Polen

Inhoud: 40 gram

Producent: W. Legutko

Plantenpaspoort: Ja

€ 2,45
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Tuinboon zaden Karmazyn


Herkomst zaden: Polen

Inhoud: 50 gram

Producent: W. Legutko

Plantenpaspoort: Ja

€ 2,45
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Tuinboon zaden Wit


Herkomst zaden: Polen

Inhoud: 50 gram

Producent: W. Legutko

Plantenpaspoort: Ja

€ 2,25
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