Red onion seeds ‘Karmen’
Buy red onion seeds
These red onion seeds produce a medium-early cultivar (vegetation 125-130 days) with spherical, slightly flattened, intensely crimson-purple dipped bulbs that have a sweet and spicy flavor. The flesh has an intriguing white-purple hue and is very tasty. The bulbs are smooth and medium-sized.
These red onions weigh between 100 and 120 grams and are recommended as an ingredient for salads and for long-term storage. Zrog for a nutrient-rich, well-tilled soil, the onions need this to grow well….
Tested red onion seeds
These red onion seeds are laboratory tested by Toraf for such things as germination, seed purity and moisture content. The tests done are according to ISTA (International Seed Evaluation Associaton) guidelines. These red onion seeds remain good in the package for 2 to 5 years, depending on the batch and type of red onion seed.
Organic red onion seeds
The red onion seeds are organically harvested and tested. On the package is an expiration date and the “batch” number.