
Poblano seeds


Species: Capsicum annuum

Number: 10 seeds

Scoville Heat Units: 1,000 – 1,500

Class: Mild

Origin: Mexico

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Poblano seeds produce the Poblano plant. Poblano is a mild chili from the state of Puebla, Mexico, and is one of the most popular peppers in Mexico.

Ripe red poblano is much spicier and more aromatic than unripe vegetables, with a smoky, chocolate-drop flavor. They are usually slightly spicy, but sometimes without anyone knowing how, some fruits are much spicier.

Closely related to this variety is the Mulato, which is darker, softer and sweeter in flavor.

Poblanos are widely used, especially in traditional Mexican cuisine. Fresh, they are usually used in “chile relleno” or “chiles en nogada” and dried in a variety of sauces and stews. Ripe fruit is used for drying.

The Mole Poblano sauce, from the state of Puebla, is the most famous of all Mole sauces and is recognized as the number one typical Mexican dish.

Mole Poblano contains about 20 ingredients, including chili and chocolate that do not dominate the dish or counteract the spiciness of the chili.


Size: 7-15 cm long / 5-8 cm wide

Shape: elongated bell shape

Ripe after about 100 days after sowing

Color: dark green, ripe dark red, almost black

Poblano pepper seeds

These Poblano seeds come from selected growers who carefully isolate and dry their pepper seeds from their strongest plants. This eliminates the chance of cross-pollination, and our seeds deliver great germination.

Organic pepper seeds

Our Poblano pepper seeds come from an Ethno botanist. Ethnobotany is the study of the relationship between humans and plants. By taking this into account, the plants, and therefore pepper seeds, are grown strictly organically.