Chocolate Reaper seeds
Species: Capsicum Chinense
Number: 10 seeds
Scoville Heat Units: 1,641,000 – 2,000,000
Class: extremely hot
Origin: Canary Islands
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Buy Chocolate Reaper seeds
These Chocolate Reaper seeds are the real Chocolate reapers. Many of the Chocolate reaper pepper seeds for sale are a cross between the Carolina Reaper and the Chocolate Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. However, our supplier’s seeds are seeds from the original Carolina Reaper HP22B where brown Reapers developed in one of their plants in 2016. These pepper seeds were isolated and dried after which they were germinated in 2017 and 2018. Since then, the plant has been stable and we can speak of a true Carolina Reaper mutant!
Chocolate Reaper pepper seeds
These Chocolate Reaper seeds come from selected growers who carefully isolate and dry their pepper seeds from their strongest plants. This eliminates the chance of cross-pollination, and our seeds deliver great germination.
Processing Chocolate Carolina Reaper
This Chocolate Reaper is extremely hot, which is why it is also advisable to work with gloves when incorporating the pepper into a sauce or dishes, for example. Since it is a direct mutation of the Carolina Reaper, formerly the hottest pepper in the world, it is wise to use the pepper in doses. Process it in sauces or pepper powders, for example.
Organic pepper seeds
Our Chocolate Reaper pepper seeds come from an Ethno botanist. Ethnobotany is the study of the relationship between humans and plants. By taking this into account, the plants, and therefore pepper seeds, are grown strictly organically.