Chinese cabbage seeds ‘Bristol’
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Buy Chinese cabbage seeds
Chinese cabbage ‘Bristol’ is an early type of cabbage, ideal for harvesting in the fall. From the time seedlings are planted until they are harvested, the growing season lasts 58-65 days. It does not seem to tend to flatten shoots from seedlings. It is a highly nutritious vegetable with compact heads and wrinkled leaves that is delicious in flavor. Vitamins, folic acid, mineral salts and amino acids abound in it. Chinese cabbage should be a staple of any diet because it is packed with nutrients and can be used as part of salads. Even though it is more difficult to grow than other cabbages, it should not be a problem for a novice gardener in his or her vegetable garden.
Brassica rapa L.subsp. Bekinensis is the scientific name.
This Chinese cabbage has elliptical, broad, closed heads that weigh an average of 1.5 to 1.8 kg. The broad, wavy, ruffled, yellow-green leaves are particularly appetizing.
Use chinese cabbage
Bristol is a delicious cabbage intended primarily for direct consumption. It is fantastic as an ingredient in salads. Moreover, it works well when boiled, stewed or pickled/fermented. For example, Chinese cabbage is also used for Kimchi.
Frost resistance chinese cabbage
The Bristol resists light night frost to 4 degrees below zero.
A sunny, wind-protected location in your vegetable garden is excellent for growing Chinese cabbage. It requires moist, fertile, permeable, nutrient-rich and humus soil because of its underdeveloped root system. Peaty, chernozems, black soils and loamy sandy soils will be the best.
40-50 x 30-40 cm spacing
Depending on when the crop was sown, harvesting takes place from late September to early November.
On the back of the package are instructions for growing and caring for cabbage, as well as details about the seeding window. Because they come only from selected sources, the seeds we have for sale are of a high caliber.
Proven seeds:
- The shelf life of these sprout seeds for sowing is from 2 to 5 years, depending on the batch and type of seeds.
- The packaging of the seeds serves as evidence in the claim
- The supplier we offer seeds from falls under the ISTA (International Seed Evaluation Associaton)
Toraf is a Polish supplier with high quality seeds. However, they provide packaging without Dutch text. However, English text is present and the seeding instructions on the package are visual, and therefore easy to understand.
Tested chinese cabbage seeds
These Chinese cabbage seeds are laboratory tested by Toraf for such things as germination, seed purity and moisture content. The tests done are according to ISTA (International Seed Evaluation Associaton) guidelines.
Organic chinese cabbage seeds
These chinese cabbage seeds are organically harvested and tested. On the package is an expiration date and the “batch” number.