Brown Bhutlah SLP seeds
Species: Capsicum Chinense
Number: 10 seeds
Scoville Heat Units: 800,000 – 1,000,000
Class: Extremely Hot
Origin: Canary Islands
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Buy Brown Bhutlah SLP seeds
These Brown Bhutlah SLP seeds are not currently available anywhere else in the Netherlands.
The Brown Bhutlah SLP was developed in 1967 by Canary Island-based breeder Peter Merle. It originated from the crossing of the Trinidad Douglah and Bhut Jolokia.
Growing in a large bush with high production, this pepper produces peppers with extraordinary sharpness, similar to sharp peppers such as the Bhut Naga Jolokia (Ghost Pepper).
The pepper has elongated fruits with a dark chestnut brown exterior and very spicy flesh. Plant height is 90-130 cm (depending on conditions). The size of the fruit is from 4 to 6 cm long. The pepper matures from light green to brown and the color of the stem and leaves is green with a white flower. Seed germination time is 15-27 days and maturation time is about 100 days.
The plant is a perennial if you manage to overwinter it.
Brown Bhutlah SLP pepper seeds
These Brown Bhutlah SLP seeds come from selected growers who carefully isolate and dry their pepper seeds from their strongest plants. This eliminates the chance of cross-pollination, and our seeds deliver great germination.
Organic pepper seeds
Our Brown Bhutlah SLP pepper seeds come from an Ethno botanist. Ethnobotany is the study of the relationship between humans and plants. By taking this into account, the plants, and therefore pepper seeds, are grown strictly organically.