
7 pot Chaguanas seeds


Species: Capsicum Chinense

Number: 10 seeds

Scoville Heat Units: 800,000 – 1,000,000

Class: Extremely Hot

Origin: Trinidad Tobago

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Buy 7 pot Chaguanas seeds

These 7 Pot Chaguanas seeds as a unique variety of 7 Pot, and was found in the town of Chaguanas in Trinidad and Tobago. The 7 Pot Chaguanas is a bit longer and hotter than the typical 7 Pot.

The 7 pot Chaguanas grows to just under a meter in a pot and would grow larger if planted in full soil. The pods are 5 cm long and 3 cm wide and ripen from green to beautiful bright red. Nice fruity flavor and if you want heat, this is one to get.

This pepper is called the 7 pot because rumor has it, “One pepper can add heat and flavor to 7 pots of food.” If you can stand the heat, it has a fruity flavor that is great for hot sauces and more.

7 jar of Chaguanas pepper seeds

These 7 pot Chaguanas seeds come from selected growers who carefully isolate and dry their pepper seeds from their strongest plants. This eliminates the chance of cross-pollination, and our seeds deliver great germination.

Organic pepper seeds

Our 7 pot Chaguanas pepper seeds come from an Ethno botanist. Ethnobotany is the study of the relationship between humans and plants. By taking this into account, the plants, and therefore pepper seeds, are grown strictly organically.