
Brussels sprouts seeds ‘Groninger’


Origin of seeds: Netherlands

Content: 2 grams

Producer: Toraf

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Buy Brussels sprouts seeds

Brussels sprouts, also known as Brussels sprouts, is a vegetable cabbage variety, just like white cabbage and red cabbage, for example. The plant is a biennial member of the cabbage family. It most likely originated in Belgium from a cross between kale and head cabbage, hence the English name “Bruxelles sprouts.”

Despite being a close relative of white cabbage, Brussels sprouts do not resemble it at all. While a single, small head is similar to a white cabbage, the whole plant is not. These vegetables also vary in terms of when they are harvested, how they should be stored and their thermal needs.

Groningen Sprouts

Growing Groninger plants requires a sunny location with humus-rich soil ranging from light sand to heavier loam. The plants can be overwintered and harvested in October, November and December because mild frosts cause the heads to gain aroma and taste more delicate. The cultivars are quite hardy even in January and February. The sprout must be fully grown to eat.

Application Groningen sprouts

These sprouts go well with soups and dishes with meat. It is also suitable for making salads and stews. As a vegetable with considerable nutritional value, it is incredibly good for the body. Don’t forget to make a nice brussel sprout stew, too.

Because Brussels sprouts are rich in protein, vitamins (C, B, A and E), folic acid and a significant amount of beneficial mineral salts, it is worth having these vegetables in your vegetable garden as a standard feature.

Proven seeds:

  • The shelf life of these sprout seeds for sowing is from 2 to 5 years, depending on the batch and type of seeds.
  • The packaging of the seeds serves as evidence in the claim
  • The supplier we offer seeds from falls under the ISTA (International Seed Evaluation Associaton)

Toraf is a Polish supplier with high quality seeds. However, they provide packaging without Dutch text. However, English text is present and the seeding instructions on the package are visual, and therefore easy to understand.

Tested sprout seeds

These sprout seeds are laboratory tested by Toraf for such things as germination, seed purity and moisture content. The tests done are according to ISTA (International Seed Evaluation Associaton) guidelines.

Organic Brussels sprouts seeds

These sprout seeds are organically harvested and tested. On the package is an expiration date and the “batch” number.

Brussels sprouts seeds ‘Groninger’