
Brussels sprouts seeds ‘Dolores F1’


Seed origin: Poland

Content: 0.5 grams

Producer: WegAna

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Buy Brussels sprouts seeds

Brussels sprouts seeds, also called sprouts seeds or Brussels sprouts seeds, produce an early variety of sprouts. Brussels sprouts mature 120 to 130 days from the time the seedlings are planted in the ground.

The sprout plant Dolores F1 produces broad, light green, well closed, uniform and densely packed heads with a delicious sprout flavor. Brussels sprouts grow and ripen very evenly for a harvest all at once.

The plant resists tipping well and grows 100-110 cm tall. In a moderate winter, it can be harvested until January. In winter, Brussels sprouts are a great source of vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Sow sprouts at a depth of 2 inches in April under protection, such as a greenhouse or foil tunnel, or from mid-April/May directly into the soil of your vegetable garden.

The Dolores F1 Brussels sprouts variety is frost resistant.

Proven seeds:

  • The shelf life of these sprout seeds for sowing is from 2 to 5 years, depending on the batch and type of seeds.
  • The packaging of the seeds serves as evidence in the claim
  • The supplier we offer seeds from falls under the ISTA (International Seed Evaluation Associaton)

The WegAna producer is a Polish supplier with high quality, EU-approved seeds. However, they only supply packaging with Polish text. However, the seeds are exactly the same as many Dutch suppliers, but more economical.

Tested sprout seeds

These sprout seeds are laboratory tested by WegAna for such things as germination, seed purity and moisture content. The tests done are according to ISTA (International Seed Evaluation Associaton) guidelines.

Organic Brussels sprouts seeds

Brussels sprout seeds are organically harvested and tested. On the package is an expiration date and the “batch” number.

Brussel sprouts seeds
Brussels sprouts seeds ‘Dolores F1’